PYB Policies

Zero Tolerance Policy 

In order to provide an atmosphere conducive to developing the skills and knowledge of basketball, all of the participants of Pembroke Youth Basketball shall conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner. The Pembroke Youth Basketball Board of Directors has voted to institute and enforce a zero tolerance policy. Coaches, players and spectators are not permitted to harass the referee, negatively address coaches of any team or players of any team. Such conduct undermines the referee’s and coach’s authority and can create a hostile environment for everyone attending games, practices, evaluations or tryouts (hereafter an “event”) and the players participating. No one other than a coach is to address the referee during the game (coaches are also responsible for the conduct of their co-coaches, players and spectators).


Coaches are not allowed to:

  1. Use profanity when talking to their players or parents during an event.
  2. Harass the referee. (They should wait until half time or the end of the game or use a timeout to respectfully discuss the situation with the referee).
  3. Utilize public social media to disparage opposing players, coaches or the referees.
  4. Directly engage the players of another team in a negative or disparaging manner.


Players are not allowed to:

  1. Use profanity during an event.
  2. Negatively address the referee. (On questionable calls the head coach decides whether to discuss with the referee following the suggested guidelines set above). Players should show respect to officials.
  3. Utilize public social media to disparage opposing player, Pembroke players, coaches or referees.


Spectators and Parents are not allowed to:

  1. Use profanity when talking to or otherwise communicating with players or coaches.
  2. Negatively address the coach during an event.
  3. Negatively address a player during an event.
  4. Negatively address the referee during or after the game.
  5. Coach from the sidelines.
  6. Make derogatory comments about the coaching staff or players on the team or opposing team during or after the game.
  7. Utilize public social media to disparage opposing players, Pembroke players, coaches or the referees.


Any violation of the above mentioned items that is reported to or observed by a Pembroke Youth Basketball Official (Coach, Assistant Coach, Referee, Division Director, Board Member) shall be handled in the following manner:

  1.  A written description of the incident will be provided to the President, Vice President and relevant Director and Coach. 
  2. A designated member of the Pembroke Youth Basketball Board shall be appointed to investigate the incident.
  3. If the incident is deemed to be a likely violation of this policy the following shall occur:
  4. For a first incident, the violator in question shall receive a written notice of the violation and shall be suspended from attending the next game/event that their child or they are scheduled to participate in.
  5. For a second incident, the violator shall be suspended from all Pembroke Youth Basketball activities for the remainder of the current season.
  6. If a coach is a second violator, the coach shall be disqualified from future coaching in Pembroke Youth Basketball. 


This policy was distributed to give the players and parents an understanding of zero tolerance.

Concussion Policy

Section 1 – Purpose

The purpose of the Pembroke Youth Basketball (“PYB”) Policy is to provide standardized procedures for persons involved in the prevention, training, management and return to activity decisions regarding

players who incur head injuries while involved in PYB related activity, in order to protect their health

and safety.

Section 2 – Coaches

All PYB coaches shall take the publicly available training provided by the Center for Disease Control

( The purpose of this

training is to help coaches recognize the symptoms of and understand the ramifications of head injuries in sports.

Section 3 – Parents

All parents shall either be provided a copy of this policy along with a parental information sheet which

regarding head injuries in sport or have access to both which shall be made available on the PYB


Section 4 – Scope

The requirements of the PYB Concussion Policy shall apply to all in town and travel coaches for all grades and levels. The requirements of the PYB Concussion Policy shall apply to all players who participate in any PYB programs.

Section 5 – Health Care Provider

For the purposes of this PYB Concussion Policy a Health Care Provider who may clear a player who has sustained a head injury to return to play shall be:

a. A duly licensed physician;

b. A duly licensed certified athletic trainer in consultation with a licensed physician;

c. A duly licensed nurse practitioner in consultation with a licensed physician; or

d. A duly licensed neuropsychologist in coordination with the physician managing the student’s


Section 6 – Pre-participation and Notification Requirements

Parents shall satisfy the following pre-participation requirements:

(a) Each season, before the player begins practice or competition, the parent shall:

(i) Sign and certify that their child is healthy enough to participate in PYB activities.

(ii) Review the PYB provided parental information sheet regarding head injuries.

(b) If during the season a player sustains a head injury or concussion during the season, either while participating in PYB activities or participating in non PYB activities the parent shall notify the coach of their child in writing (e-mail or other tangible document) the nature of their child’s injury and the restrictions placed on the child.

Coaches shall:

(a) Notify the President, Vice President and Secretary of PYB of a player who has sustained a head injury during PYB activities or if the coach is notified of a player head injury sustained in non PYB related activities.

(b) Not allow a player who has sustained a head injury to participate in any PYB activities until a letter is received from a Health Care Provider stating that the player is cleared for activity.

(c) A copy of any letter must be sent to the President, Vice President and Secretary of PYB prior to allowing the player to return to PYB activities.

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